It will take five years at most until we have computers, but it can also go faster, says Rajsin, a young girl living in Hasandaha district of southern Nepal.
It’s been fifteen years since Plan Sweden began its work. Thrughout the years, Plan has supported numerous projects in villages and communities around the world. But how has the work affected the people who live there? The magazine Barnens Framtid went to southern Nepal to find out whether the lives of children and their families have improved.
There we met with many people, among others Laxmi – Plan’s former foster child. Fifteen years ago, her father passed away and her mother struggled a lot so that the family would survive. Much has happened since then and today Laxmi runs a sewing workshop that not only provides income for her, but helps her support her mother and little brother.
– Yes, it is going particularly well, she says contentedly.
In the latest issue of the magazine Barnens Framtid, we also write about what kind of music are children in Senegal listening to and explain why young girls are particularly vulnerable to climate change.