How much do we miss by not understanding what is happening in great parts of the world?
Over the last years there has been a major shift in the world from North to South with the countries in the South strengthening their role on the global arena. This in turn is reflected in areas such as growth and economical output, political power, innovation, creativity as well as in values.
But what will this mean for the global order? Who will the dominating actors be in the future, and what will be their priority? What are the new solutions emerging from a changing reality? Can innovations from grass root level lead to major and positive changes?
Despite the enormous flow of information it is striking how similar the reporting is. Mainstream media, academia, think-tanks as well as social media, is dominated by the western way of viewing things, peoples and trends.
I, David Isaksson am one of those optimists, who, despite the gigantic problems we are facing today, believe that the world is getting better and that there is an amazing positive power.
Over the last years I have been working on an exciting project on behalf of the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation that has taken me to Africa, Asian and Latin America, searching for innovative solutions and new ideas that could – and are already – changing the world.
Now the result is finally here, the book: “Global Disorders – a new Global Order?”
The book is the result of an attempt to look at the world from a different point of view than the usual. The idea has been to examine and capture the spirit of positive, global trends that few know about but that could ultimately have a great impact on the lives of all of us. In the book you embark on a journey across the world – from Mongolia via Kenya to Brazil and many other places – showcasing emerging practical solutions to critical development problems.
You can read the book from beginning to end. You can also select individual parts and chapters that interest you. The selection of interviews, projects and situations described do not claim to be representative, rather, our aim has been to show you what you (hopefully) did not yet know, while travelling from Bogota to Ulaanbaatar with the turn of just a few pages.
And best of all, it is free and ready to be shared! From November 7 you can download it for free at http://www.daghammarskjold.se/new-book-global-disorders-new-global-order/