Agneta Carleson

Agneta is a journalist and a communicator with focus on global issues. In recent years she has, among many things, been working as a communication advisor in Vietnam within the Sida-financed poverty reduction project Chia Se, she was a part of a team that worked to develop a trade union newspaper in Ramallah, Palestine, she has been giving courses in strategic communication and has written a number of articles about global- and development issues for Sida, Government Offices, the LO-TCO Secretariat of International Trade Union Development Cooperation and Olof Palme International Centre.

Agneta has travelled around Latin America, South Africa, Middle East and Asia, and written reportages that focused on labour issues and labour rights, as well as situation for children and women.

Her earlier assignments include working as a labour market reporter at Swedish newspapers and trade journals. She has also been in charge of communication on global and EU issues at the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and working as a spokesperson at the Government Office.

Agneta studied at the School of Journalism at Stockholm University and has a MA degree in Communication for Development. She has been working with and for Global Reporting since 2004.


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