Growth, jobs and labour rights

Labour issues will be the topic of the next Global Bar in Belgrade. How can Serbia meet the demands from employers, employees, EU and a changing world? And what is there to learn from the Swedish example?

More jobs, decent jobs and growth are key issues for Serbia as well as for all of Europe. What medicine can help this halting, depressed European labour market on its feet again and make it support the development of a well functioning welfare state?

With some 25 percent unemployment – even higher among young people – Serbia needs inspiration from countries that have a better record when it comes to employment and economy. In Sweden and the other Nordic countries, the social partners – trade unions and employer’s organisations – since long have a major role in handling labour market issues as wage formation and job security. Is the Nordic example relevant for Serbia? What is there to learn – or to reject?

TIME: Thursday, March 27th, 18h

LOCATION: Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation (Hall ”Josif Pančić”), Belgrade


Monika Arvidsson, Chief Investigator at the Swedish think-tank Arbetarrörelsens tankesmedja. Economist with international macroeconomics, economic policy and migration expertise. She has worked with the EU’s macroeconomic framework, globalization issues, labour economics, growth models, labour and corporate governance. Previously, she worked as an economist at the Trade Union Confederation, LO, in Sweden.

Jovan Protić, National Coordinator for Serbia of International Labour Organization responsible for the entire range of the ILO projects in Serbia (promotion of labour rights, decent employment, social security etc.). He worked previously at the UNDP project in charge of reform and capacity-building of the Ministry of Labour of Serbia and for an ILO project on reform of the Serbian Labour Inspectorate.

Boško Savković, general secretary of Serbian Association of Emloyers (SAE). SAE gathers companies of various forms and sizes in order to articulate their common goals and interest and attain most favorable position for them in relation to the Government and trade unions within the field of social policy.


Agneta Carleson (Global Reporting) is a journalist and a communicator with focus on global issues. In recent years she has, among many things, been working as a communication advisor in Vietnam within the Sida-financed poverty-reduction project Chia Se, worked to develop a trade union newspaper in Ramallah, Palestine, given courses on strategic communication and written a number of articles about global and development issues.



About Global Bar In Belgrade

Global Reporting’s Global bar established itself during the years as a unique arena for public debate in Sweden. Its’ concept was and still is rather simple – discussing important current topics in a relaxed way and in an unconventional ambience.

The core idea of the project ”Global Bar in Belgrade”, which received seed-funding by Swedish Institute, is to create a public debate arena similar to the one in Stockholm, but adjusted to the new and different cultural context. The aim is to ”promote” an alternative way of public discussion, to establish an ongoing “European” dialogue between Sweden/Scandinavia and Serbia/ex-Yugoslavia and to introduce new topics in the public debate and public discourse in Serbia.

The main activities are public discussions and public talks (lectures) held in KC GRAD, KC Rex and Kolarac Endowment in Belgrade, Serbia. Since the ”traditional” concept of Global Bar is to have three panellists for each theme, the Global Bar in Belgrade is having at least one panellist (per debate) coming from Sweden or Scandinavia. The other panellists are from Serbia and former Yugoslavia, but also internationals based in that region.

Global Bar in Belgrade is meant to deal with issues as development, (national) identity, European integration, equality of opportunities and gender equality, sustainability, freedom of expression etc.

So far there were four Global bars in Belgrade:

Identity crisis? Re-thinking nations & “isms” in Sweden and Serbia

Minority, Autonomy, Heritage – in Nordic, Balkan and European context

What does being ‘European’ Really Mean Today?

Is (Social) Media Deciding Elections?


Contact person:

Predrag Dragosavac, journalist
Mobile: +46(0)730-96 02 62
+381 63 846 2440


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